How to get an estimate on repair or maintenance:

  1. Bring us your instrument during drop-in hours!

    Drop in hours: Monday- Thursday: 12-5pm. Need assistance outside these hours? Please phone, text or email to make an appointment. (Closed weekends and holidays)

  2. Leave the instrument with us, we will call you immediately upon it’s completion.

    Our average turn around time in 3-10 business days.

    Like every small business, we are pleased to be booked in advance! Please make arrangements for yourself, or your student to rent, borrow, or be without for that duration of time.

    NO ONE JUMPS THE QUE without a crisp, firm, $100 for same day service.

    No bartering. No sob stories. No trades.

  3. Pick up your instrument during drop-in hours, or by appointment.

    We take cash, cheque or etransfer to




12-5 Monday to Thursday

Located located in Central Nanaimo!